
Showing posts from September, 2018

My New SEO Tool: Ubersuggest 2.0

I promised you months back that I was going to release a newer, better version of Ubersuggest for free. And can you guess what? I just released it! 🙂 Before I go into the features of the new Ubersuggest and how it works, I just want to tell you that not all of the features have been released yet . For the first release, I focused on keyword research. So let’s dive into the new Ubersuggest . Keyword Overview The keyword research is broken down into 3 main sections: overview, keyword ideas, and SERP analysis. The overview looks like this: The first section is a graph that breaks down the search volume over time. You can see the search volume for any keyword in any country and language over the course of the last 12 months. The graph will show you if the keyword is gaining or declining in popularity or if it has seasonality. In addition to that, it breaks down the cost per click, the SEO difficulty, and the paid difficulty. The difficulty scores are from 1 to 100. The hi

The Secret Behind My 1,866,913 Monthly Search Visitors (It’s Not What You Think)

How many visitors do you think generates each month? Maybe a million… maybe 2 million? I bet you’re going to guess 1,866,913. If that’s what you guessed, you are wrong . This blog actually generated 2,530,346 visitors. 1,866,913 is the number that came from search engines. So, what’s the secret to my ever-growing Google traffic? Sure, I have optimized my on-page SEO , I’ve built links , written tons of blog post … I’ve done all of the stuff that most of my competition has done. But doing the same stuff as your competition isn’t enough. My secret sauce is that I optimize for user signals. Last week, I broke down some of the user signals Google looks at , as well as providing benchmarks to aim for if you don’t want to be penalized by Google. If you aren’t familiar with user signals, check the article I linked to above. So, how do you optimize for user signals? Well, I know everyone has different types of websites, so I thought I would share the process I use to

What Do Sites That Have Never Been Penalized by Google Look Like?

User signals! It’s the one thing SEOs don’t optimize for. I don’t know why most SEOs ignore this metric considering how important it is to Google. See, Google doesn’t care to put the website with the most backlinks at the top or the best on page SEO … they want to put the website that you and other people love at the top . That’s why they look at user signals. Now, if you aren’t familiar with user signals, check out this experiment  by Rand Fishkin that I discussed in a recent article. It shows that if everyone performed a Google search and clicked on the 4th listing instead of the first one, the 4th skyrockets to the top spot almost instantly. I’m not saying you should tell your users to click on your listings over the competition. Instead, you should focus on the user. Because if you can make users love your site, then you will rank higher over time. So, my team and I thought it would be fun to look at the Google Analytics accounts of websites that have never been impacted

Hello world!

via Windturbiner from Windturbiner from Tumblr

We Analyzed 5,860,631,392 Articles From 64 Countries. Here’s What Facebook Loves!

Facebook reach has continually declined over time. Nowadays everyone tells me there is no point in even sharing content on Facebook. But you know what? You can still generate traffic from Facebook. Yes, traffic has declined. Even so, in the last 31 days, I’ve generated 20,420 visits from Facebook. That’s not too shabby considering I’m only publishing 4 articles a month. That’s an average of 5,105 visitors per article from Facebook. And because I’ve been building the ultimate SEO tool , I’ve been gathering social sharing data on over 9 billion URLs. But a large portion of the URLs in our database aren’t articles. So, for this analysis, we looked at 5,860,631,392 articles. Before I dive into what we have learned, there are few things you ought to know about the data: Technically we have gathered social sharing data on 11,721,262,784 articles. For each URL we gather data on the HTTP and the HTTPS version to get an accurate count as more sites have transitioned to HTTPS over t