
Showing posts from May, 2020

Ubersuggest Chrome Extension

It’s been a long time coming. And now, it is finally here. Today, I want to introduce you to the Ubersuggest Chrome Extension . From being in the SEO industry for over 21 years now, I know that it would be more convenient to do your SEO research while you are browsing the web or searching Google than constantly having to come back to Ubersuggest. That’s why I created this Chrome extension. So, what’s inside the Chrome extension? Well, the easiest way to know what’s included (it’s free), is to just go and install it and test it out. But here’s what’s included… Keyword overview When you are searching Google, you’ll see an overview within the search bar. You’ll see the monthly search volume and the cost per click for that keyword. When you click the “view all” link, you’ll see a detailed overview for that keyword. The graph breaks down the total monthly search volume. What’s cool about the chart is that it shows you both the monthly mobile searches and desktop searches. An

30 Lessons After 30 Million SEO Visitors

As you can see from the screenshot above, I’ve driven 30 million visitors to my website from SEO. Technically it’s more, but who’s counting . What’s funny, though, is I barely look at my traffic, even as Google continually rolls out algorithm updates . I know that sounds contradictory because if you are an SEO, why wouldn’t you obsess about traffic, right? Well, it’s because I’ve learned some hard lessons over the year… mainly because I’ve made a lot of mistakes. So today, I wanted to share them with you so that you can learn from my mistakes… so here goes: Lesson #1: Don’t obsess over rankings, obsess over conversions I used to check my rankings every single day. Literally. On top of that, I would log into Google Analytics 4 to 5 times a day and continually check my traffic. That’s all I cared about back in the day… boosting my organic traffic. But here is the thing: As my rankings and traffic went up over the years, my revenue didn’t go up proportionally. For example, dur

Google’s May 2020 Core Update: What You Need to Know

On May 4th, Google started to roll out a major update to its algorithm. They call it a “core” update because it’s a large change to their algorithm, which means it impacts a lot of sites. To give you an idea of how big the update is, just look at the image above. It’s from SEMrush Sensor , which monitors the movement of results on Google. The chart tracks Google on a daily basis and when it shows green or blue for the day, it means there isn’t much movement going on. But when things turn red, it means there is volatility in the rankings. Now the real question is, what happened to your traffic? If you already haven’t, you should go and check your rankings to see if they have gone up or down. If you aren’t tracking your rankings, you can set up a project on Ubersuggest for free and track up to 25 keywords. You should also log into your Google Analytics account and check to see what’s happening to your traffic. Hopefully, your traffic has gone up. If it hasn’t, don’t panic. I have