
Showing posts from January, 2020

How to Check if Google Manually Reviewed Your Site

Do you know how Google decides what website should be ranked number 1, 2, 3 and so on for any given keyword? Well, they have an algorithm for that. But as you know, algorithms aren’t perfect. That’s why Google continually tries to improve it. One way that they try to improve their algorithm is through Search Quality Raters. What’s a Search Quality Rater? Google knows that they can always make their search results better. And one way is to have humans review their listings for any given keyword. So, all around the world, Google has people who manually review websites . And they review each website based on these guidelines . It’s kind of long and extensive, but it is important that the Quality Raters don’t directly impact rankings . Instead, they give feedback to the engineers who code up the algorithm so they can make it more relevant to searchers. Now, the real question is, how do you know your site is being reviewed? First, I want you to log into your Google Analytics acc

Is SEO Dead? (A Data-Driven Answer)

SEO has been changing drastically over the years. In 2010, Google made 516 algorithm changes . That number increased to 1,653 in 2016 and to 3,234 in 2018. We don’t have data for the last couple of years, but still, you can bet that the number is continually going up. With over 9 algorithm changes a day, it’s safe to say that it is no longer easy to manipulate or game Google. So, is SEO dead? Well, let’s look at the data and from there I’ll show you what you should do. Is SEO dead? Do you know how many searches take place on Google each day? Roughly 5.6 billion searches per day . That’s roughly 2 trillion searches each year. Although that’s a lot of searches, there is also a lot of content being created. There are roughly a billion blogs on the web . There are so many blogs that you can find an excessive amount of content on most topics out there. For example, if you look at the long-tail phrase, “what is digital marketing”, there are only 11,300 global searches a month b

How to Turn Your Site into an Automated Sales Machine

Want to make more sales? Of course you do. Maybe you’re not hitting the kind of figures you want, or maybe you haven’t even made a single sale yet. Either way, you’re not selling as much as you want to be. But why aren’t you?  There are tons of possible reasons here, but I’m willing to bet it’s your website. Even if you have an expertly designed site, it could still be the culprit that’s stealing all your sales. I learned this the hard way. My websites used to flat out suck and I barely got any sales. Once I started putting serious effort into my sites, my sales skyrocketed. I tried everything. Some stuff was a huge waste. Some techniques ticked off my users.  But I was able to find some serious long-term winners.  While there’s no magic formula that will 10x your sales overnight, there are some best practices that will help you optimize your website to pull in the maximum amount of sales possible. In short, you want to turn your site into an automated sales machine. And I