
Showing posts from June, 2020

How to Build Links Using Google Alerts

Link building is hard. But did you know that Google makes it easier for you? Seriously… they do make it easier because they provide you with free tools . No, I’m not talking about the ones you already use like Google Search Console and Google Analytics … They actually have tons of other tools. Some you may have heard of, but I bet you don’t use them. And today I am going to show you how you can build links using Google Alerts . What is Google Alerts? As the saying goes, if it isn’t on Google, it doesn’t exist. Google is the most popular search engine in the world. Their database contains hundreds of billions of web pages and is over 100,000,000 gigabytes in size. Because of their massive size, they are able to crawl web pages more frequently than any SEO tool including my own, Ubersuggest . This is precisely why you want to start using Google Alerts to build links. So, what is Google Alerts? As I mentioned above, they have a bigger database of web pages than any other link

Welcome to Ecommerce Unlocked: Your Free Ecommerce Marketing Course

E-commerce is booming. There are currently 24 million e-commerce sites and counting. And with only 12% of sales taking place online , you can expect there to be massive growth in the years to come. So if you want to create an online business, one of the best ones to create is an e-commerce store. But how do you market it? How do you grow your traffic? And, most importantly, how do you get sales? Sure you can use tools like Ubersuggest to help you out, but what do you do if you need step-by-step instructions from the very beginning… especially if you have little-to-no marketing experience? Introducing E-Commerce Unlocked Over the next 4 weeks, I am going to teach you how to market an e-commerce website. From SEO to paid ads to even CRO… I am going to cover all aspects of e-commerce marketing. And of course, all for free. 😉 E-Commerce Unlocked is similar to my free SEO training course, SEO Unlocked . But unlike SEO Unlocked, which is a 7-week course, I thought it would be mo

The SEO Tool Kit: 11 Tools That’ll Save You Time

When I first got into the world of SEO, you could literally optimize your site for any term and rank at the top of Google within a month or two. But of course, that was ages ago. Now with Google’s ever-evolving algorithm , it takes more time and effort to get results. But what happens if you don’t have the luxury of time? Or you don’t have the financial resources to put in the effort that is truly needed. What should you do? Just forget about SEO? Of course not. Today, I want to call out 11 tools that will help you get an edge over your competition. But unlike most lists, I am going to get very specific on the feature I want you to use within each tool to make your life easier and help you get results faster with less effort. Let’s dive right in. Tool #1: Ubersuggest Projects You probably already know about Ubersuggest , but do you really have time to spend hours and hours each week to do your SEO? Chances are you don’t. So how do you improve your traffic with the least amo

The 4 Ps of Marketing: A Step-by-Step Guide (With Examples)

The 4 Ps of marketing… You’ve probably heard about them from a friend, a textbook, or even at school. I know it sounds like a boring topic that’s common sense, but there is more to it than meets the eye. And no, it’s not just for large companies… the smaller you are, the more important for you it is to leverage the 4 Ps. So before we dive into it, let’s first break down what they are… What are the 4 Ps of marketing? The 4 Ps of marketing is a famous concept that summarizes the 4 basic pillars of any marketing strategy: product, price, place, and promotion. It sounds simple and it really is (the harder part is implementing it, which we will get into later). The idea behind the theory is that if you implement them, you will generate more sales. But sadly nothing is that easy. :/ The origin of the concept, also known as marketing mix , goes back to 1960 when McCarthy introduced it in his book Basic Marketing: A Managerial Approach . I know that’s ages ago, but it is just as

Google’s New Algorithm: Page Experience

Don’t worry… your traffic hasn’t gone down (or up) because of the Page Experience algorithm update hasn’t rolled out yet. But it will in 2021 according to Google. Due to the coronavirus, they decided to give us all a heads up on the future algorithm update and what it entails… that way you can adjust your website so your traffic doesn’t tank. So, what’s the Page Experience update and how can you prepare for it? Page Experience In Google’s own words, here is what it means… The page experience signal measures aspects of how users perceive the experience of interacting with a web page. Optimizing for these factors makes the web more delightful for users across all web browsers and surfaces, and helps sites evolve towards user expectations on mobile. We believe this will contribute to business success on the web as users grow more engaged and can transact with less friction. In other words, they are looking for how usable your website is. Here’s an example of what they don’t want