
Showing posts from February, 2020

A Step-by-Step Guide to Growing Your SEO Traffic Using Ubersuggest

There are a lot of tools out there and a ton of SEO reports. But when you use them, what happens? You get lost, right? Don’t worry, that’s normal (sadly). And maybe one day I will be able to fix that. But for now, the next best thing I can do is teach you how to grow your SEO traffic using Ubersuggest . This way, you know exactly what to do, even if you have never done any SEO. Here we go… Step #1: Create a project Head over to the Ubersuggest dashboard and register for a free account. Once you do that, I want you to click on “Add Your First Project.” Next, add your URL and the name of your website. Then pick the main country or city that you do business in. If you are a national business, then type in the country you are in. If you are a local business, type in your city and click “Next.” If you do business in multiple countries or cities, you can type them in one at a time and select each country or city. Assuming you have your site connected to Google Search Console

The Future of Ubersuggest

* Please read the whole post, I have some good news at the bottom, but it won’t make sense unless you read the whole post. Do you know why I got into SEO? Not many people know this, but I grew up in middle-class America, and I wanted a better life for me and my parents. When I was 16 years old, I worked at a theme park called Knotts Berry Farm where I picked up trash, cleaned restrooms, and swept up vomit every single day. I didn’t mind it because that’s life and I needed the money. At 16, I realized I was too young to get a high paying job, so I did the next best thing… I started a business. But making $5.75 an hour picking up trash wasn’t enough to market my business, though. The only solution that I could think of was SEO because if you put in the time and effort you can get the traffic for free. It’s also the main reason I fell in love with it… it gives the little guy a chance to compete with the big guys . And over the years I wanted to pay it forward and help out all of