
Showing posts from February, 2019

If I Had to Start All Over Again, I Would…

I started young. At the ripe age of 15 and a half, I started my first online business. Can you guess what it was? It was a job board. I created it because I couldn’t find a high paying job at that young of an age. Heck, I struggled to find even a low paying job! As you probably can guess, it failed and, eventually, I went on to do other stuff. From creating an ad agency to a few software companies… the list goes on and on . But if I had to start all over again, what do you think I would do? Well, before I get into that, let’s first talk about what I learned a bit too late… What I learned too late in my career I’m really good at one thing and one thing only. It’s driving traffic to a site. It doesn’t matter what industry a site is in, I can drive traffic to it and make it popular. And best of all, I can do it without ads. But because I can do one thing well, it doesn’t mean I can create a successful business. I still need amazing people around me. For example, when I start

How to Think About SEO

Don’t you hate how it takes forever to get results when it comes to SEO? Everyone says it takes 6 months to a year and even in some cases many years to see results. Well, I have some bad news and some good news for you. Let’s start with the bad news… SEO is a long-term strategy. It’s not about doing it for a few months and forgetting about it. And if you stop focusing on it eventually your competitors will outrank you. And now let’s get on to the good news. You can get results in the short run. You may not get all of the results you want right away, and you may not rank for your ideal keywords, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get results within 90, 60, and even potentially 30 days. So how do you get results within a few months? Well first, let’s rewire your brain so you think about SEO in the correct way. SEO isn’t just content and links If you want to rank number 1 on Google, what do you need? Well, the data shows you need to write lengthy content. Because the average web

How to Build Backlinks in Less Than 1 Hour

I have a question for you… How do you build links? If I had to bet, chances are you spend little to no time on link building. Why? Because it’s hard. But why should link building be hard? Most parts of SEO are much simpler and cost-effective. For example, if you want to write content… you just go and write it . It may not be great content, but nothing is stopping you starting, learning, and improving. On the other hand, if you want to build links, where would you start? That’s a bit tricky because link tools cost money… and a lot of money if you are just starting out . But that’s going to change in 30 days with your help! Link building made simple As you may know, I released a new version of Ubersuggest a few weeks ago. And with your help, I want to roll out a free link tool. Here’s what I am thinking and, before I roll it out, I want to get your feedback. So, with the new Ubersuggest, I made it where you can put in a URL. Let’s say I’m your competitor…

17 Hidden Facebook Marketing Tools That Will Increase Your Engagement by 154%

Facebook engagement is easier and more valuable than you ever imagined. I found this out the hard way. At one point, I was spending hundreds of thousands of dollars a month on Facebook Ads. Sure, I was getting some huge successes. But I was also wasting a ton of money . For example, I once spent $400,000 on Facebook fan page likes. I still feel dumb for that one… The engagement just wasn’t there. I had a large number of fans but very little actual engagement. I had no idea that hidden tools within Facebook’s apps, extensions, insights, tactics, and bots that could have made my Facebook ad spend 80 times more effective. Facebook marketing is like an iceberg. Most people see the top part — Facebook ads. They spend their entire time optimizing that little bit of potential. The real power is underneath. It’s hidden. And that’s why I created this list. I want you to know exactly what those hidden Facebook marketing tools are and how you can increase your engagement by 154% as I